
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Good Morning Thursday!

So I woke up this morning and looked out the window to find this
If that isn't a sign to stay inside and sew, I don't know what is.


  1. Ugh! I had to drive my child to school...but decided it is a sign to stay in the for rest the day and paint! Nothing like waking up to a disgusting white dusting of snow...when all I can dream about is spring and warmer weather.

  2. I was up early as usual. I promised myself I would dust off the treadmill....but no, I decided to sew instead.
    There is always tomorrow.

    It is spring here in Georgia. Everything is in bloom. I will send some warmer weather your way.

  3. love it...not the snow the sewing part. I'm in the mid-west and it has been in the 70's for few days...but we will have snow this weekend :(

  4. In the North East of England we've had sunshine for a few days (which for us is a miracle!)!! I love how pretty snow makes the world look!! Your garden is gorgeous! :-)
